Bullying Isn't Beautiful
Girls have the power to change the world. So let's end bullying, one act of kindness at a time. Here are few of our favorite tips from Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center.
1) Make it your business
If you see someone being bullied, you may think, "this isn't my business" and keep on going, especially if you don't know them. Don't! Instead, support them. Walk with them, talk with them, show them that they aren't alone. (However, don't intervene in a physical fight, call a teacher or other adult authority figure to come stop it instead.)
2) Be a friend
If you know that someone is being isolated, gossiped about, and made fun of, get to know them. Listen to them. Sit with them at lunch. Remember, bullies can't turn people into outcasts unless everyone else goes along with them. You can be the change.
3) Make kindness go viral
When you see someone being cyberbullied, write something kind. And/or let the bullies know that what they're doing isn't cool.
4) Get your squad on it
Let your friends know what you're doing to help kids that are being bullied, so they can help, too. It's way easier to stand up to bullies when you have plenty of backup.
5) Get organized
Start a bullying prevention program in your school.

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