You have been asked to approve the Use (as defined below) of the piece of content you created and made available ("Content"), which may include, without limitation, a photograph, text, handle or account name, information, images, graphics, video or any combination thereof. By responding to our direct message requesting permission to use this Content with "#PMApproved" or "#YesPM", you are granting John Paul Mitchell Systems and its affiliates (collectively, "JPMS"), its third-party service providers, media and digital companies and properties, social media services and platforms, and any other representative or designee of the foregoing (collectively, the "Licensed Parties") a royalty-free, fully paid, non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, unrestricted, worldwide, sub-licensable, transferable license to use, reproduce, broadcast, publish, transmit, perform, display, create derivative works from, translate, adapt, modify, distribute, exhibit, disseminate and otherwise exploit (collectively, "Use") such Content for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, advertising, marketing and promotional purposes, and in any media whatsoever, now or hereafter existing or developed, even if these Terms and Conditions are later modified or terminated. Without limiting the above, this means that the Licensed Parties may Use the Content in a different medium than the one in which you posted it or made it available (e.g., if you posted it in social media, JPMS may Use the Content in print, broadcast, online or in any other form of media that exists now or may be developed in the future). You will retain all ownership of the Content (subject to the license granted herein).
The Licensed Parties also have the right, but not the obligation, to Use your username, and, if provided in connection with the Content, real name, image, likeness, caption, location information or other identifying information, in connection with any Use of the Content.
By Approving the Use of the Content, you authorize the Licensed Parties to make copies thereof and retain such Content and copies as the Licensed Parties deem necessary to facilitate the Use of the Content. All Content becomes the unrestricted licensed property of the Licensed Parties. You agree that JPMS does not have any obligation to Use or take any action with respect to any Content.
By Approving the Use of the Content, you waive (i) any right to review, inspect or approve the Use of the Content in any format or media, whether that Use is known to you or not; (ii) any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the Use of the Content; and (iii) any claim or assertion of moral rights or attribution with respect to the Content.